

Nava Wiegert

I grew up on the back of a horse where I acquired a mindful presence and hands that listen.  Originally an inventor, designer, and crafter of inanimate objects and experiences, I grew inspired to elevate the potential of our living form.  In stride, I bolstered my University of Michigan BFA with LMT licensure.  I first specialized in a uniquely gentle and elegant form of fascial release and structural decompression and then I gained rare certification in The Trager® Approach through a pioneering intensive program led by expert instructors who trained with Dr. Milton Trager.  I merge my studies and continue to deepen my understanding by training with the world’s current masters.  As a result of it all, I approach the intelligence of being with reverence and offer an ever-evolving and exceptional work of healing art. 

In addition to private practice, I work with Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt as a core practitioner on his world-renowned healing team at the Sophia Health Institute. I teach and have served as Vice President of Trager® Northwest and a Board Member of the Trager® Foundation. Beyond bodywork, I live an adventurous, peaceful life in the mountains with my beloved Mexican mutts.

